Thursday, March 18, 2010


I'll say it again because I can't get tired of it...I love breakfast.

I especially like eggs for breakfast, not quite this many eggs, but still...

And I like pancakes for breakfast, and look at that fruit!:

And most importantly, we can't forget the coffee (and the delicious shortbread):

And I'm not the only one who feels this way about this all-important meal...

“He that but looketh on a plate of ham and eggs to lust after it hath already committed breakfast with it in his heart”
C.S. Lewis quotes

"All happiness depends on a leisurely breakfast."
John Gunther

"Hope is a good breakfast, but it is a bad supper."
Francis Bacon (haha, I wonder if he eats bacon for breakfast!)

"I myself prefer my New Zealand eggs for breakfast."
Elizabeth II

And one of my favorites that recently had a starring role in the new "Alice in Wonderland" movie...

"Sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast."
Lewis Carroll

Happy Thursday and happy breakfasting!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St. Patrick's Day!!

Wall-E has a St. Patrick's present for you.

Yesterday, I made the extremely delicious "Spring Risotto with Peas and Zucchini" for dinner. It was soooo good! And I loved the taste of the zucchini. I've never made Risotto before, and I will admit that Carlos is throughly better at making it, but I had to try. And it was partly green, perfect for St. Pat's day!

This is the picture of what it looks like from my Martha Stewart cookbook.

I hope you have a great St. Patrick's day full of many things Irish. Remember to wear green!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

I so happy!

Thats what I used to say as a little girl when I was feelin` good (nowadays I usually try to add the "am" in there for good grammar). There were also other fun catch phrases like "no" and "I do it." Those were from the more stubborn side of my childhood and sometimes I still find myself saying them, but again, with better grammar. Oh children, how we love them.

But the reason "I so happy" today is because its Spring!! I know its not officially March 21st, and that we'll probably have a another bout of cold before it officially arrives, but today the high is 58 and sunny, tomorrow 60, and Thursday 59. We won't mention the weekend, because its still unaware of spring being here, but that's okay, soon all the days will catch on.

Soon we'll be seeing these little guys popping up everywhere!

To celebrate the season, yesterday I officially looked in the spring section of my recipe book (Martha Stewart's "Great Food Fast") and bought the ingredients for " Spring Risotto with Peas and Zuccini." I actually had a whole outing yesterday including shopping at Marshall's (found measuring cups and microfiber towels) and Meijer. the grocery store took forever because all the students (including myself) were coming back from Spring Break and found no food on their shelves. So we all flocked to Meijer to leave their shelves empty and fill our own. As my mother would say "it was a zoo." :)

And one of the best parts was that God totally provided a ride home! I know it sounds silly, but as I was grocery shopping and amassing large quantities of food in my cart I'm thinking to myself "how am I going to get all this home on the bus?" But thankfully I ran into a choral conducting friend of mine who offered me a ride home!

Hope your Tuesday is sunny wherever you are!

I'm dreaming of visiting a market like this...

Monday, March 15, 2010

Happy March?

Whoops, its only about two weeks late!

Well, officially welcome to March everyone. That month of transitions, expectations and hopefully, warmer weather. The above picture is NOT what Michigan looks like in March (I don't think it ever looks like that actually) but thats what spring break is for!!!

Carlos and I drove to Destin, FL for spring break, and whilst it didn't look quite this picture perfect, it was certainly close! It was a wonderful break and included a visit to my brother and seester-in-law, Brian and Natalie to se their new house. It was a very welcome escape from school and auditions (which are finally over) AND opera. Its been a little nuts. Personally though, I'm actually glad to get my "normal" life here at school back. Get settled into my room once again (they finally opened the kitchen back up so I can cook!) and focus on the music. Hopefully I'll be hearing from some Graduate schools this week. I was already accepted into Indiana and hope to get into all the schools I auditioned for. We'll see what God has planned, I'm sure things will work out just the way they're supposed to. :)

Hope you enjoy this new week coming your way. Since its overcast in Michigan, make sure you make your own sunshine today!