Friday, April 16, 2010

Audition weekend

Greetings from Indianapolis!

I am on my way to Bloomington to audition for some operas for IU in the fall. That's right folks, the final tally is in and I am attending Indiana Jacob's School of Music!! I am in no way going to be a Hoosier (what even is that?) but I am excited about the fall!

So anyway, we'll see how the audition goes, at least then they'll know what I look/sound like for the fall auditions.

Wishing you a happy weekend full of sunshine, I know its going to be a bit colder, but it'll still be sunny!!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Happy April

And so it is, friends, that on this sunny spring morning, I finally say HAPPY APRIL!!!

What, its only 14 days late?!?

Life has been hectic lately, I can't wait to be done with school, not that I have senior-itis, but I just want to be home. Lolling in the garden, cleaning my room, enjoying the sunshine. And with graduation comes a myriad of things that need to be done, invitations, senior recital (some music still not memorized, ahh!), dinner plans, etc. Yes, this will be me in less than a month!! About 24 days from now. Then I will have earned my B.M. And that's Bachelor of Music, not the other abbreviation.

Well, in my blogging absence, Spring has gone and snuck right up on us! Its so beautiful out, still a bit nippy, but the campus is simply breathtaking. There's Daffodils, Tulips (I wonder if there are threelips, ha ha), Dogwoods, the Magnolias are peeping and the weeping cherry.

This one looks like it could be MSU, there's even some Asians there!

Among other things, Easter came and went, I hope you all had a lovely Easter. I'm still eating A LOT of candy, which is bad news because the season for ice cream is also upon us. Well, technically there is no "season" for ice cream, I'm a year-round eater, but its true that it is most useful in the warmer seasons. Honestly, I could eat this everyday, especially because its so pretty!! :)

Happy Wednesday!!